How to Create FC Delivery appointment for AmazonWarehouse through Amazon...

#amazonwarehouse #amazontraining #amazonfba #amazonshorts #fcappointment #amazondeliveryappointment #amazoncarriercentral

How to book an appointment through Amazon Carrier Central and search on google

Very simple to go on google search amazon carrier central and sign with your account

Then select your country where you going to send your shipment

Then Select Carrier because you are not a vendor or brand who directly deliver to Amazon so you are a simple seller so just select Carreir

Then put Standard Carrier Alpha Code which you create by yourself and put in the box

Company Name is the name of your store on amazon

Then fill Contact Name, Email And mobile Number

Then fill Purchase order id is actually the Amazon Reference id which is available in your created shipment

Then fill Destination FC (Fulfilment Centre) for PO it’s the destination of your shipment which is given by the amazon when you created

For an Example

    Mine is DXB3

Then put Captcha and then Submit

On next page Then Select your Destination FC which is DXB3 Dubai Ae Ae

Then Select Freight Type  It is Less than truck load actually I have just 2 carton

Then Load Type its Floor Loaded the reason its easy to carry in hand

Then Freight Clampable no its not No

Then Trailer number its not important leave it

Then Carrier Requested Delivery Date in this you can request your given date but mostly amazon give you their own suitable date to deliver the shipment

Then Requester comment if you have any remarks you can comment it other leave it

Then Temperature zone its optional if you have any kind of good or medicine you can fill it

Then leave ARN  PRO 

Then fill BOL list it’s the id which is available under the date of create shipment id is start from FBA

Then fill Vender name the name of your store on amazon


Then leave Pallet count because I have not fill the Carton Count  & unit count

Then fill POL List it’s the amazon reference id copy and paste it then request appointment

After submission you receive an email from amazon print it in hard form and the day of delivery and take it and show to the amazon fc warehouse staff during delivery of your shipment


Shajee ul Hashmat

Whatsapp 00923344278573  LinkedIn


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