Reality of Covid-19 precautions and cure and patients discussion

#info about #Corona #disease
According to #research it can arrives any country  and there is no doubt that many #countries do not have #daignostic kits or #equipment 
Use much #natural #vitamin C as possible to strengthen the #immune #system
It's a simple #virus and have no currently vaccine available because of the #genetic #mutation that made it very #dangerous 
This #disease appears to be #caused by #gene #fusion in a #snake and #bat and has an ability to #infect #mammals, including #humans .
Best cure about this disease is #slices of #lemon in a cup of #Hot #water can save your life
The hot lemon can kill the proliferation of this #virus in our #bodies
then pour the hot water and it will turn into #alkaline water
Consuming this water every day will definitely help you against the proliferation of this virus
Warm lemon can have the same beneficial affect as medicines 
Treatment with this extract destroys the virus and cures the #flu
in addition , acids and #carboxylic acid in lemon juice can regulate #hypertension protect the #narrow #arteries and reduce #blood #clotting
so be careful implement the safety measurements about this disease

Benefits of fruits
Corona Virus

 Army action regarding Covid 19

News about Pakistan

 Food benefits

 news about Lahore Covid 19
 Italy news
 Ihtyati tdabeer Covid 19
Precaution about Covid 19
 care is better than cure
 Best news about Covid 19
 Current situation in the world an about Corona Virus

 Current situation about loack down
 Covid 19 patients figure
 army every where due to covid 19

 all world almost lock down

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